How To Move On ? Steps For Closure After You Break Up
H4-Hussain (Writer) "How to Be Strong After a Breakup" As the famous song lyrics suggest, “ breaking up is hard to do .” But learning how to move on after you call it quits is just as difficult. Read on to find out to recover from a break-up.… It’s not impossible to move on after a relationship goes sour. But it is kind of hard. Two of the biggest stumbling blocks for women after a painful break-up are: not really wanting to move on. not knowing how to move on. 1. Accept it Before you can move on from a relationship that is no longer healthy, you’ll need to give yourself however much time and space is necessary to get to a place of acceptance. “Even though it may not have worked out the way you wanted, accepting that the relationship was limited and is over is very important,” So even if it seems to be taking a long time – and you’re tired of taking two steps forward, then one step back – be gentle with yourself during the process, she says....